The Sophia Library – the Center of the Free Spirit

People of all cultures are welcome in the Sophia Library, the Center of the Free Spirit, regardless of religion or community of faith. Everyone is warmly invited to become acquainted with the encompassing word of the Christ of God, the word of the eternal truth, God in us.

In the Sophia Library, the unadulterated word of God can be read and listened to, just as it has been given into this time to us, by the Eternal One through God’s prophetess and emissary, for over 40 years. It is the one message of love for God and neighbor, given at all times through all true prophets of God, from Abraham to Gabriele, and today, in a fullness never known before.

In the Sophia Library, the Center of the Free Spirit, everyone is welcome to take his time and to freely learn about the truth in the books, DVDs and CDs. The truth is always the truth, no matter which word is used for the truth – it is the content that is decisive. It is said: “Open the shell of the word, receive the content, for in each word is infinity, the All-One, the wise One.

Read what moves person and soul

In the Sophia Library are laid out and available the works that have been given through Gabriele from the horn of plenty of the divine Wisdom – on all spheres of life and for every age. Read about the speaking All-Unity, the word of the universal Creator-Spirit, about the soul’s path after the human being passes on, about the Inner Path to cosmic consciousness – and much, much more, for example, about:

  • Divine Prophecy Today
  • Healing and Health
  • Animals and Nature
  • Life and Death – Death and Life
  • Help for Mastering Your Life

Sophia BibliothekAnyone who seeks with an open heart will find his way here! God is close to us and He has no secrets. He has spoken at all times to us, His children, through the mouth of prophets. Today, He speaks through His prophetess and emissary, Gabriele, to explain to us all that we need so that we again find our way to our true being and thus, back to our eternal homeland. Here, we receive answers to the many questions that occupy us, such as, for example: “Who is God?”; “Where is God?”; “How does it continue after life on Earth?”; “What is the meaning of my life?”; “Where can I find security, a hold and secureness?”; “Why am I sick?” …

Beyond that, in the Sophia Library “The Biography of the Work of the Christ of God,” comprising several volumes, is also available. It contains the complete revealed word from the Kingdom of God, given through Gabriele for over 40 years. These invaluable volumes are presently available for reading in the Sophia Library and in the foreseeable future, they will be in “The Tent of God among the People for All the Nations of this Earth, under the Sign of the Lily, the Ark of the Covenant of the Free Spirit – New Jerusalem.”

Listen and watch what moves the heart – in many languages

You can read, listen, watch whatever the soul desires and what ultimately also moves the heart, as long as your heart and your soul wish.

The “Information Isles” in the Sophia Library, the Center of the Free Spirit for All Cultures Worldwide offer you the possibility to inform yourself comprehensively and undisturbed. At each Information Isle are CDs and DVDs – to listen to and watch. For example, a Divine Prophetic Healing or a meditation given through Gabriele, reports about the land of the International Gabriele Foundation, roundtable discussions on various topics and much more.

Your bookstore at the Sophia Library

Sophia Bibliothek BücherhandlungIn the bookstore of the Sophia Library, you can browse through all the books – and on workdays you can, of course, purchase from the extensive range available, the books, CDs and DVDs that you would like to read, listen to or watch at home.

In addition, you will find a selected assortment of books and DVDs on other topics, such as nature and animals, vegetarian-vegan cooking and nutrition, documentaries, interior decoration and gardening.